Life and Projects
"The winds of grace blow all the time. All we need to do is set our sails." - Ramakrishna
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
The Right Key
I just washed my dishes, and cleaned the kitchen up a little. And then I practiced my guitar for about an hour. I played the CD October Road by James Taylor and picked my guitar to it. It is amazing to me that I can do that now after all these years of wanting to, that is, find the exact key to pick the notes to whatever song I have playing on my CD player (or my iPod, the tape player, radio, or record player for that matter.)
guitar picking,
James Taylor,
October Road
The Urge to Write
I always have the urge to write after I read great online journals like Bitchypoo. I wish this urge would stay with me, but these past few years it disappears quick. The urge is in me strong right now and so I'll go with it and see how long it takes until I move on to something else.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Friday, December 28, 2007
Alison Krauss and Robert Plant Duet for Raising Sand
Here's a video about a new CD I bought myself for Christmas. I love it!
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Project C-Clean My Place Up Completely.
Where I am at on my house cleaning project: I had four of the rooms in my place cleaned up. And then Christmas happened. It left a bit of a mess. I need to catch those four rooms back up again.
Cleaning To Do List:
1. Tunes playing. (Raising Sand by Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Have you heard this CD? It is so good! A newspaper article I read about the best CD's of 2007 said it was the best of the best and I can see why.) Done.

3. Wipe off counters, dish rack, top of fridge, stove burner pans, stove top, etc. Done.
4. Organize fridge and wipe clean inside and outside. Done.
5. Pick up living room. Done.
6. Dust. Done.
7. Wipe off table. Done.
8. Sweep. Done.
9. Wipe down kitchen floor. Done.
10. Bathroom clutter. Done.
11. Clothes in dryer. Done.
12. Gather in trash. Done.
13. Wash cloths, etc. in washer. Done.
14. Scrape-scrub toilet. Done.
15. Sweep bathroom floor. Done.
16. Wipe down bathroom floor. Done.
17. Wipe down counters. Done.
Cleaning Session started: 12/27/2007 4:27 PM Ended:12/27/2007 6:33 PM.
(Later after I picked up some rental DVD's and some Mexican food. For my away-from-cleaning dinner break I watched the movie Super Bad and ate three-fourths of a three taco meal.)
18. More tunes. Done.
19.Dinner mess cleaned up. Done.
20. Clean off computer desk. Done.
21. Dirty clothes picked up. Done.
22. Clutter put away. Done.
23. Top drawer organized. Done.
24. Clean under drawers. Done.
Cleaning Session restarted: 12/27/2007 9:40 PM Ended: 12/27/2007 10:48 PM
Cleaning To Do List:
1. Tunes playing. (Raising Sand by Robert Plant and Alison Krauss. Have you heard this CD? It is so good! A newspaper article I read about the best CD's of 2007 said it was the best of the best and I can see why.) Done.

2. Wash dishes. Dry. Put away. Done.
3. Wipe off counters, dish rack, top of fridge, stove burner pans, stove top, etc. Done.
4. Organize fridge and wipe clean inside and outside. Done.
5. Pick up living room. Done.
6. Dust. Done.
7. Wipe off table. Done.
8. Sweep. Done.
9. Wipe down kitchen floor. Done.
10. Bathroom clutter. Done.
11. Clothes in dryer. Done.
12. Gather in trash. Done.
13. Wash cloths, etc. in washer. Done.
14. Scrape-scrub toilet. Done.
15. Sweep bathroom floor. Done.
16. Wipe down bathroom floor. Done.
17. Wipe down counters. Done.
Cleaning Session started: 12/27/2007 4:27 PM Ended:12/27/2007 6:33 PM.
(Later after I picked up some rental DVD's and some Mexican food. For my away-from-cleaning dinner break I watched the movie Super Bad and ate three-fourths of a three taco meal.)
18. More tunes. Done.
19.Dinner mess cleaned up. Done.
20. Clean off computer desk. Done.
21. Dirty clothes picked up. Done.
22. Clutter put away. Done.
23. Top drawer organized. Done.
24. Clean under drawers. Done.
Cleaning Session restarted: 12/27/2007 9:40 PM Ended: 12/27/2007 10:48 PM
As of 12/27/2007 10:48 PM my kitchen, living room, bathroom, and office is up to par.
Project B-Website to My Liking.
1. List "Cast of Characters".
2. List "Places I Frequent".
3. Post an entry about what I did this Christmas.
4. Jazz up my "Life and Projects" heading.
5. Add to my Projects list some sort of Exercise Program, and my latest Music Project.
6. Fill out my Profile information.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Tonight a Quiet Night, but on Monday I Partied with Friends
Recently this happened:
I came home from work. I surfed the Internet. I napped. I ate some turkey vegetable soup. I watched the first episode of the first disc of the television show, 24.
If someone were to ask, “What have you been up to Harley?”
Monday I partied and played music with some musician friends at a co-jammer Fred's Christmas party out in the country about 10 miles past Little Town. There was plenty of good stuff to eat, including a turkey and dressing. (I brought some corn chips and salsa. What was I thinking?!)
Fred handed out cards and he had us all pick gifts starting with the person who had the number 2 card, and then the person who had the number 3 card, and so on. If a person before you had a gift you wanted you can take it from him and he/she had to pick another. I ended up with the present I wanted: a cement statue of an angel.
I came home from work. I surfed the Internet. I napped. I ate some turkey vegetable soup. I watched the first episode of the first disc of the television show, 24.
If someone were to ask, “What have you been up to Harley?”
Monday I partied and played music with some musician friends at a co-jammer Fred's Christmas party out in the country about 10 miles past Little Town. There was plenty of good stuff to eat, including a turkey and dressing. (I brought some corn chips and salsa. What was I thinking?!)
Fred handed out cards and he had us all pick gifts starting with the person who had the number 2 card, and then the person who had the number 3 card, and so on. If a person before you had a gift you wanted you can take it from him and he/she had to pick another. I ended up with the present I wanted: a cement statue of an angel.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
I'm Baaaack!
I'm back!
*sound of cricket's chirping*
Hello! Anyone here? I'm going to start writing here again.
*more cricket's chirping*
Sigh... Oh well, nobody's around to read what I have to say. That's okay. I'm going to start some new projects and track in words here the steps I'm taking to complete those projects, plus I'm going to write about my life in general. If anybody comes here and reads what I have to say that'll be nice. But I'm doing this for myself first. I'm doing this to help myself become more focused and productive, to log all this focused and productive activity, and to have a hell of a fun time while I am doing all of this.
Wish me luck.
*"Chirp. Chirp. Whatever..."*
First on my list of things to do: go cricket stomping.
*"Chirp! Chirp! We're sorry! We're sorry!"*
All righty then. From now on, let's see some encouragement.
*"Chirp! Chirp! You can do it, Harley! You can do it! Good luck! Good luck!"*
*sound of cricket's chirping*
Hello! Anyone here? I'm going to start writing here again.
*more cricket's chirping*
Sigh... Oh well, nobody's around to read what I have to say. That's okay. I'm going to start some new projects and track in words here the steps I'm taking to complete those projects, plus I'm going to write about my life in general. If anybody comes here and reads what I have to say that'll be nice. But I'm doing this for myself first. I'm doing this to help myself become more focused and productive, to log all this focused and productive activity, and to have a hell of a fun time while I am doing all of this.
Wish me luck.
*"Chirp. Chirp. Whatever..."*
First on my list of things to do: go cricket stomping.
*"Chirp! Chirp! We're sorry! We're sorry!"*
All righty then. From now on, let's see some encouragement.
*"Chirp! Chirp! You can do it, Harley! You can do it! Good luck! Good luck!"*
Thursday, October 26, 2006
Murphy's Be Damned Law
Recently broken things around my place have been fixed. My parents and older brother came over Sunday and we fixed a leak in the roof near the swamp cooler on my trailer. My step-dad also recently showed me how to unplug my kitchen sink. Monday I hired a man to help me get my furnace running and in the process I, myself, replaced a broken electrical breaker without getting electrocuted. I also took my truck down to a tire center and had a slow, air-leaking tire fixed.
Wednesday my refrigerator died.
Wednesday my refrigerator died.
"Why, God? Why?"
I stayed up way too late last night. I watched all of the episodes of the second disc of "Desperate Housewives". Earlier yesterday while recuperating on the couch I finished watching all of the third disc of the second season of "CSI-New York". All the while then I was avoiding cleaning the freshly discovered dead refrigerator and trying not to notice that my trailer was getting smellier and smellier. I was too damn sick to have to deal with all of that. I shouted out, "Why, God? Why?"
This morning the refridgerator food is now in the trailer park dumpster. I still need to wipe the refrigerator itself down. I did remember to turn the fridge completely off. Near the area between the freezer and the cooler it was hot and I didn't want a fire to start in there.
I am feeling good enough to go back to work and so I need to go get ready. If I get to the store early enough, perhaps I could get a bite to eat before I start my shift.
This morning the refridgerator food is now in the trailer park dumpster. I still need to wipe the refrigerator itself down. I did remember to turn the fridge completely off. Near the area between the freezer and the cooler it was hot and I didn't want a fire to start in there.
I am feeling good enough to go back to work and so I need to go get ready. If I get to the store early enough, perhaps I could get a bite to eat before I start my shift.
Dead Refrigerator
I need to go to bed. It is late. I probably won't sleep well. I ate a take-home tacos dinner I picked up from a nearby restaurant. I ate them late into the evening. When I eat my dinner late in the evening I never sleep well that night. So why do I do it?
I just threw away the entire contents of my refrigerator. My refrigerator just up and died. And I didn't realize this until it was too late and everything spoiled.
I called work and told them I was sick early this morning. And I was sick so don't think I was faking it or imagining it. I felt like I was coming down with the flu. I had a high fever and my body ached in my muscles and joints. At work yesterday I took two Advil and drank some Airborne. Last night I drank some Alka Seltzer Plus. I felt like crap most of the day but surprisingly towards the evening I started feeling better.
Whenever I am sick I need comfort food so it depressed me when I opened my refrigerator earlier today and realized that all the food in it was not fit to eat. And the smell! Really awful. I just shut the door and lied on my couch and avoided dealing with it. That didn't last long because soon the rotten food started stinking up the place.
I just threw away the entire contents of my refrigerator. My refrigerator just up and died. And I didn't realize this until it was too late and everything spoiled.
I called work and told them I was sick early this morning. And I was sick so don't think I was faking it or imagining it. I felt like I was coming down with the flu. I had a high fever and my body ached in my muscles and joints. At work yesterday I took two Advil and drank some Airborne. Last night I drank some Alka Seltzer Plus. I felt like crap most of the day but surprisingly towards the evening I started feeling better.
Whenever I am sick I need comfort food so it depressed me when I opened my refrigerator earlier today and realized that all the food in it was not fit to eat. And the smell! Really awful. I just shut the door and lied on my couch and avoided dealing with it. That didn't last long because soon the rotten food started stinking up the place.
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